November 4, 2014 Ballot Prop. 1

Proposition 1: Funding for Water Quality, Supply, Treatment, and Storage Projects

Official Results

Available once the California Secretary of State has certified the election. This can take up to 3 weeks or more.

Yes votes: 4,771,350 (67.1%)
No votes: 2,336,676 (32.9%)

Proposition 1 authorizes $7.5 billion in general obligation bonds for new water programs such as watershed restoration and protection, groundwater storage, and ecosystem sustainability. The bonds are expected to cost an average of about $360 million annually for 40 years. Local governments are expected to save money if the measure passes.

Pro/Con Statements

Proponents state that with the state experiencing a severe drought, reservoirs and groundwater basins have lowered significantly. In order to combat drinking water shortages, lower water quality, cutbacks to farms, wildfire danger, and increased food prices, water projects are necessary in the coming years. Proponents say that Prop. 1 will improve water infrastructure, repair the Delta, create jobs, and improve water quality.
Opponents argue that Prop. 1 is a bloated measure recycled from several years ago which is intended to serve special interests. They believe the measure will not provide real solutions to the water crisis in the state. They claim billions will be handed over to a government commission with no public oversight. They also say that the Delta restoration portion of the measure will in fact fund water tunnel projects which will destroy Delta farmland.
CA Water Now