The Race, Ethnicity and Immigration Colloquium invites speakers from the Berkeley campus and other institutions to share research touching on various aspects of race, ethnicity, and immigration. One important theme explored by the colloquium is the changing shape of ethnic politics in the country. A second, closely related theme is the impact of immigration on the nation and on California's political and economic life. Recent censuses show important changes in the country's ethnic make-up: large increases in the Latinx population, the emergence of a group of residents who prefer to identify themselves as bi-racial, and changing patterns of naturalization among the various immigrant groups. These changes have altered the meaning of the civil rights revolution and have important implications for public opinion, electoral outcomes, and government policy. REI colloquia are open to all members of the campus community. For more information, contact the REI Faculty Coordinator, Michael Rodriguez-Muñiz, Associate Professor, Sociology,