Peter Coe

Job title: 
Class of 2022
2021 Democracy Camp in Berkeley

Peter Coe is a third-year undergraduate studying Political Science and Public Policy at UC Berkeley. He is currently rebuilding the UC Berkeley SunRise Movement Club to leverage membership to motivate local and national politicians to champion environmental policies. The Sunrise movement is a "movement of young people to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs" by fighting for the Green New Deal. As a member of the Partners in Health Engage advocacy team, Peter advocates for policies (such as Medicare for All) to reduce health inequity. On a state level, Peter wants to replicate the Rhode Island Cooperative (a
grassroots movement that recruits, trains, and supports left-wing candidates to replace corporate politicians within the state legislature) in California. On a national level, Peter wants to build an Economic Populist Caucus in Congress to pass majoritarian economic policies that will ensure Americans don't have to live in constant fear of economic disaster. 

Research interests: 

Major(s): Political Science and Public Policy